Rojen je bil 15. januarja 1935 v Kumanovu v
Makedoniji, od koder so ga z družino leta 1941 bolgarske okupatorske
oblasti “izgnale” v Slovenijo. Osnovno šolo je končal pri Sv.
Juriju ob Ščavnici, nižjo gimnazijo pa v Gornji Radgoni. Na obeh šolah
je bil načelnik pionirskega odreda. Sodeloval je na prvi delovni akciji
v Sloveniji – Pesnica 1946. Višjo gimnazijo je obiskoval v Mariboru,
kjer je bil sekretar mladinske organizacije, osmi razred z veliko maturo
pa je končal v Kočevju. Prejel je gimnazijsko Prešernovo nagrado za
literarno delo in razpravo Tretja pot v socializem.V Beogradu je med 1954–1957 obiskoval Vojaško
akademijo JLA in jo končal s prav dobrim uspehom, pehotno smer pa z
odličnim, kot drugi v rangu. Poleg raznih tečajev (vojaške policije,
varnosti, angleščine) je od 1966–1968 končal Višjo vojaško
akademijo in leta 1980 Šolo ljudske obrambe, obe z odličnim uspehom.
Služboval je v garnizijah Bileća, Šibenik, Split, Pula, Ljubljana in
Bitolj. Prvi dve leti je bil vodni poveljnik v Šoli rezervnih častnikov
v Bileći, nato pa poveljnik vojaške policije v Šibeniku in 12. odreda
JLA na Sinaju. Od 1962 do 1987 je bil nepretrgoma v Varnostni službi
JLA, zadnja tri leta tudi kot načelnik Oddelka vojaške varnosti 9.
armade v Ljubljane. |
Slovene Marijan F. Kranjc was
born on 15 January 1935 in Kumanovo (Macedonia, Kingdom of
Yugoslavia), wherefrom his family was deported back to
Slovenia by the Bulgarian occupation forces in 1941. He
finished primary school in Sv. Jurij ob Ščavnici and lower
secondary general school in Gornja Radgona. At both schools
he was Head of the Pioneer Detachments of the Communist
Party of Yugoslavia (CPY). He participated in Slovenia’s
first youth labor brigade in 1946, working on the River
Pesnica regulation project. He attended upper secondary
general school in Maribor, where he was the Secretary of the
CPY Youth Organization. He finished the eighth form in
Kočevje, taking there the upper-level exam. In 1954 he was
awarded a Prešeren Grammar School Prize for his political
study Koncepcije socializma: Ali obstoji tretja pot? (“Concepts
of Socialism: Is there a Third way?”). He attended the YPA
Military Academy in Belgrade between 1954 and 1957,
receiving a Very Good graduation mark, and an Excellent
graduation mark in the Infantry Program, ranking second in
his year. He participated in several courses on military
police, security and the English language. From 1966 to 1968
he attended the YPA Higher Military Academy and in 1980 the
National Defense School in Belgrade, graduating with

Ob povišanju v čin generalmajorja,
Bitolj, 1989

1989: Major-General promotion in Bitola, SFRY
Od 1987 je bil na generalskem položaju, najprej kot
načelnik Operativno-učnega oddelka 9. armade, zastopnik načelnika štaba
9. armade in glavni vodja Skupine za ukinitev 9. armade v Ljubljani.
Izpit za čin generalmajorja je junija 1989 položil s prav dobrim
uspehom, nakar je bil premeščen v Bitolj, na položaj načelnika štaba
in obenem namestnika poveljnika 41.korpusa. V čin generalmajorja je bil
povišan decembra 1989 po ukazu in s podpisom takratnega predsednika
Predsedstva SFRJ Janeza Drnovška. Septembra 1990 je bil upokojen na
lastno zahtevo in se je vrnil k družini v Ljubljano.
Je nosilec šestih vojaških mirnodobnih odlikovanj,
medalje miru UNEF in zvezne Plakete varnosti (za 25 let službovanja).
Po uradni dolžnosti je napisal več strokovnih člankov,
ki so bili objavljeni v Vojnem delu in internih zbornikih. Po upokojitvi
se je posvetil vojaški publicistiki. |
Marijan F. Kranjc served at
posts in different parts of the SFRY: Bosnian-Herzegovinian
Bileća, Croatian Šibenik, Split, Pula, Slovene Ljubljana and
Macedonian Bitola. For the first two years he served as a
platoon leader at the YPA Infantry Reserve Officer School in
Bileća, then as the Commander of Military Police in Šibenik
and of the YPA 12th Detachment in Sinai, Egypt. Between 1962
and 1987 he worked for the YPA Security Service, and, for
the last three years before his retirement, as Chief of the
Military Security Detachment of the 9th Army Corps in
He served as General since
1987, first as Chief of the Operations and Training
Department of the 9th Army Corps, Deputy Chief of Staff of
the 9th Army Corps and Head of the 9th Army Corps
termination team in Ljubljana. He took the Major-General
rank examination in June 1989, earning a Very Good mark. He
was appointed Chief of Staff and Deputy Commander of the
41th Army Corps in Bitola. Marijan F. Kranjc was promoted to
the rank of Major-General in December 1989 by order and
signature of Dr. Janez Drnovšek, the then Head of the SFRY
Presidency. In September 1990 he was retired on his own
request and returned to his family in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Marijan F. Kranjc has been
awarded six military peacetime decorations, the UNEF Peace
Medal and the Federal Security Service Award for 25 years of
continuous service.
He wrote a number of expert articles ex officio,
published in the military periodical Vojno delo and
in internal proceedings. After retirement, Marijan F. Kranjc
has written extensively on
topics for
the press or in the form of published monographs. |