When we first did electronics for high frequency we encountoured a problem with inductors, because conventional inductors melted off the board because of high reipple currents. We did try different suppliers but still with no solution. In order to make electronics work, we made our own inductor, that is, to our knowladge the smallest on the world at its performance at high frequencies, since it has very high Q factor. Because of high frequencies and effects that happen at such circumstances, the winding and core had to be designed from scratch. Both are patented.

Inductor for LBC
Inductor on the picture above was made for little box challange from google for team !nverter. The inductor was the smallest within all on the competition. The inductor was designed for 400V and 14A ripple current. There were two versions, 7 uH and 10uH, both were peaking over 800 Q factor.

Inductor 2 uH
One of the first inductors made. It was made for 80V and also had quality factor over 600.

Inductor core
Close image of inductor core
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