When I take a 50-50 chance, I expect it to come off  8 times out of 10 (Hideous Hog)


after reverse

RE bids 2NT to show 7- HCP. If OP holds extras, she bids normally, else, she bids 3♣, RE passes, or bids her suit. 

Rule:   RE's rebid on level 2 (if possible) shows (sub)minimal strength. Rebid over 2NT shows 5+card suit and invitattion. Jump rebid shows 6+ card suit and GF strength



after we double opp's W2M bid. 

Double shows 11+ HCP with ideal distribution, more if distribution is more inadequate. Double shows 14+ HCP if 2M was intermediate.

If we have a hand that would like to have bid 2NT but without the sort of trump holding to

pass for penalties, then we go to 3NT via the appropriate route.

(2) - dbl - (pass)    

(2♠) - dbl - (pass)    

Same applies after:

(1M) - pass - (2M) - dbl

(1M) - dbl - (2M)

(2 Multi) - 2 - (pass)

(2 Multi) - dbl - (2/♠)

Over W2 we bid Rubensohl

Copyright © Barbara Drinovec Drnovšek & Tomaž Adamič