When I take a 50-50 chance, I expect it to come off  8 times out of 10 (Hideous Hog)

11 Sports Psychology Tips for your Bridge Game

from Matthew Granovetter

    1    Make your partner play well by being disciplined. Become a popular partner by bidding and playing down the middle.

    2    Ignore who you’re playing against. A famous player? Watch the cards. It’s the same game no matter who is sitting there.

    3    As dummy, don’t follow partner’s play of the hand. Instead faze out and relax. Think about religion, politics, music or sex. Or just take a nap.

    4    When you’re declarer and dummy comes down, always say thank you and develop a plan. If dummy is unexpected, keep a poker face and consider the hand a challenge to your brilliant card play.

    5    Decide on your bid or play before reaching for the bidding box or a card.

    6    As declarer, when initiating a trick, decide what you will do third hand before you start.

    7    When you pick up the cards for the new hand, consider the possibility that this may be the most exciting hand of the day.

    8    Don’t think about the last hand or your score. Think about the task at hand. WIN: What’s Important Now.

    9    Towards the end of a hand, sit up and concentrate harder! (And never stop counting.)

    10    Drink lots of fluids and eat an occasional energy bar.

    11    Congratulate your opponents if they do something extra special.

Copyright © Barbara Drinovec Drnovšek & Tomaž Adamič