Multipla kemična občutljivost (MCS – Multiple Chemical Sensitivity) oz. idiopatska okoljska intoleranca (IEI - Idiopathic Environmental Intolerance)


MCS je kronična bolezen fizičnega izvora, ki se lahko pojavi v kateremkoli starostnem obdobju. Običajno je posledica večje obremenjenosti s strupenimi snovmi. Bolj kot kratkotrajna hujša obremenitev je problematična dlje trajajoča manjša obremenitev kot npr. v bolnih stavbah ali zaradi notranje obremenitve pri dolgotrajnem slabem zdravju, zaradi okužbe ali gliv.


Prizadeti imajo okvarjene procese razstrupljanja, zato močno odreagirajo na najmanjše količine strupenih snovi.  Težave imajo zaradi dišav, kozmetičnih proizvodov, zdravil, detergentov, čistil, pesticidov, dima, izpušnih plinov, topil … Lahko gre za alergičnim podobne reakcije, v hujših primerih lahko pride celo do anafilaktičnega šoka. Simptomi so odvisni od intenzivnosti obremenitve, reakcija se lahko pojavi takoj ali pa šele nekaj ur po izpostavitvi. Lahko gre za glavobole, slabost, vrtoglavico, dezorientiranost, zmedenost, težave z dihanjem, izčrpanost, bolečine v mišicah …


Problem ni le v reakciji na trenutno izpostavljenost in v trajnih poškodbah, ki jih izpostavljenost kemikalijam povzroča, ampak tudi v vedno večji senzitizaciji. Pogosta izpostavljenost občutljivost človeka poveča. Spremeni se tudi občutek za voh, pri ljudeh z MCS je od 100 do 1000-krat boljši kot pri drugih. Ker so nekateri iritanti v zraku brez vonja, je velikokrat kljub temu zelo težko ugotoviti, na kaj prizadeti reagirajo.


MCS človeka zelo ovira v življenju, vpliva na vse socialne interakcije in v hudi obliki vodi v povsem izolirano življenje. Zelo občutljivi posamezniki lahko postanejo intolerantni na vrsto hrane, lahko se pojavi tudi občutljivost na elektromagnetna polja.


Koliko je prizadetih, ni znano. Obstajajo le ocene, povečini navajajo med 10 in 30% populacije. Mnogi težave zamenjujejo z alergijo. Le manjši delež ima uradno diagnozo, ker je še premalo poznana.





Simptomi niso pri vseh enaki tako kot tudi stopnja prizadetosti ni pri vseh enaka. Odvisni so od trajanja, tipa in intenzivnosti kemične izpostavitve. Večina se pojavi v nekaj minutah. Najpogostejši so:




težave z dihanjem

motnje razpoloženja




bolečine v mišicah, sklepih

spremembe na koži

zmanjšana mentalna sposobnost



motnje koordinacije


izguba zavesti


Okrevanje lahko traja nekaj ur, dni ali celo tednov. V tem času imajo prizadeti lahko gripi podobne simptome, otekle žleze, razjede, izpuščaje, so zelo utrujeni in imajo težave s koncentracijo. Visoka obremenitev v enem dnevu še zmanjša toleranco v obdobju okrevanja.


Tisti, ki so neprekinjeno izpostavljeni nižjim koncentracijam toksinov, običajno ne opazijo povečane občutljivosti in specifičnih reakcij. Ko se njihovo zdravje slabša, lahko trpijo za vrsto na videz nepovezanih simptomov:


draženje sluznic v očeh, nosu in žrelu

težave z dihanjem

bolečine v prsih


utrujenost, šibkost

težave s prebavili, sluznice so lahko poškodovane, celo krvaveče

bolečine v mišicah in sklepih

izpuščaji na koži, srbečica




težave s koncentracijo, spominom

slabše ravnotežje


Mnogi so občutljivi na kemikalije, a še lahko normalno funkcionirajo. Občasno imajo blažje simptome, motijo jih izpušni plini, dim, čistila, dišave, vendar še vedno lahko učinkovito delajo.


V težjih primerih je učinkovito delo že onemogočeno celo s pomočjo mask in filtrov. Javni prostori kot so trgovine, pošte, knjižnice, cerkve ... so nedostopni. V varnem domačem prostoru tako prizadeti še lahko skrbijo zase. Imajo težave z domačimi oz. obiskovalci, ki vnašajo ostanke toksinov na oblačilih, laseh, raznih predmetih. Ne prenašajo več mnogih zdravil. Težko si zagotovijo varen prostor, ker imajo težave z vsemi novimi stvarmi. Oblečeni so lahko le v oblačila iz naravnih vlaken, ki jih perejo z blagimi sredstvi.


Pri hudi prizadetosti je možno le življenje s pomočjo v kontroliranem okolju. Reakcije se razširijo na vse kemikalije, hrano, cvetni prah, plesni. Psihični in fizični simptomi so tako izraziti, da onemogočajo skrb zase. Težko najdejo dovolj varno okolje za življenje.


Obstaja nekaj zapisov osebnih izkušenj spopadanja z MCS, ki dajejo vpogled v životarjenje zelo prizadetih. Med njimi je Vera Strahan:
Članek iz avstralskega Daily Telegrapha: Woman who is ‘allergic’ to the 21st century has no physical contact with the outside world
Ko se pridruži še občutljivost na elektromagnetna polja: The man allergic to the modern world: Electromagnetic hypersensitivity means Peter, 42, can't use ANY electric gadgets - and can't go outside his house in case he walks near a wifi network
Primer hitro napredovale bolezni: The last few months of the life of Angelika S. who was chemically sensitive
Vzrok za MCS v hudi kandidiazi: My Candida Hell: Chronic Ethanol and Acetaldehyde Poisoning
Tudi s sliko se da veliko povedati. Thilde Jensen je s fotografijo izrazila nekaj utrinkov iz vsakdanjega življenja ljudi z MCS:


Tistim, ki raje poslušajo, kot berejo, priporočam intervju z vodjo belgijske MCS skupine:


Dodatne težave prizadetim povzroča pogosto nepoznavanje problematike in nestrpne reakcije okolice. Velikokrat njihove probleme poskušajo minimirati ali jih pripisujejo psihičnim vzrokom. Saito in sodelavci so dokazali, da MCS pacienti nimajo somatskih ali psiholoških simptomov v kemično varnem okolju, simptome je možno sprožiti samo z izpostavitvijo kemikalijam:

Saito, M. et al.: Symptom Profile of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in Actual Life, Psychosomatic Medicine 67:318–325 (2005)

Mnogi lahko normalno delajo, če imajo okoli sebe razumevajoče sodelavce in sorodnike. Na žalost je malo takih, ki so pripravljeni upoštevati prošnje po izogibanju odišavljenim proizvodom. Večina ljudi zelo težko sprejme, da njihova dišava nekomu povzroča bolečine in mu onemogoči normalno funkcioniranje, še posebej, ker jih velikokrat sami niti ne zaznavajo. Celo bolj čuteči posamezniki, ki so pripravljeni pomagati, težko dojamejo širino problema. Skeptični ostajajo ob razlagah, da se lahko dišavo čuti na 100 m. Da ne gre samo za to, da je dišava neprijeten dražljaj, ampak za sistemsko reakcijo na strup. Ki škodi tudi njim, čeprav vpliva ne čutijo tako zelo neposredno.


Ljudje z MCS pišejo o zelo žalostnih izkušnjah. Nekdo je npr. namenoma pobrizgal sorodnico z dišavo, zaradi katere je trpela že ob posrednem stiku. Sodelavci so vztrajali pri uporabi dišav kljub temu, da je kolegica na delovnem mestu vsakodnevno izgubljala zavest. Ljudje se prevečkrat obnašajo zelo arogantno ne da bi pomislili, da se MCS lahko zgodi tudi njim. Seveda dodatni stres zaradi podobnih situacij stanje še poslabša. V skrajni fazi je življenje prizadetih tako težko, da se jih veliko odloči za evtanazijo.


Razni miti, s katerimi se soočajo prizadeti, so odlično opisani na strani:



Kaj vse povzroča težave


Vse, kar vsebuje sintetične dišave:

toaletne vode, parfumske vode, parfumi

kolonjske vode, vodice za po britju



laki za lase




osvežilci zraka



toaletni robčki

WC papir

vrečke za smeti


industrijske kemikalije in kemikalije, ki se uporabljajo v gospodinjstvu




Če je na izdelku oznaka bio, eko ali kaj podobnega, to ne pomeni, da gre za povsem naraven izdelek. Večina sestavin je še vedno sintetičnega izvora, predpisom zadostijo že izdelki, ki imajo le 10% naravnih sestavin.

Zaradi poslovne skrivnosti je dovoljeno prikriti določene sestavine. V bazi EWG je nekaj podatkov o prikritih strupenih snoveh, ki so jih našli z analizo v neodvisnem laboratoriju. Primer iz EWG Skin Deep baze z rezultati analiz kozmetičnih izdelkov:

V nekaterih izdelkih, ki imajo oznako, da so brez vonja, so dišave vseeno prisotne. Z dodanimi kemikalijami so le prikrili vonj.


Druge škodljive snovi:

cigaretni dim

dim, ki nastaja pri izgorevanju trdih in tekočih goriv


izpušni plini

razna organska topila


formaldehid (emisije pohištva, oblačil)



zdravila (antibiotiki, antimikotiki, paracetamol, antidepresivi, beta blokatorji, statini, diuretiki, hipnotiki …)



Poseben problem predstavlja kirurško zdravljenje in anestezija, Melissa Kaplan je zbrala nekaj pomembnih podatkov:

Surgery, Anesthesia and CFS/FM/MCS

Tudi pri zobozdravstvenih postopkih potrebujejo pacienti z MCS posebno obravnavo:



Diagnostični kriteriji in testi


MCS ima različne vzroke in posledice, zato je diagnosticiranje težavno. Leta 1999 je 34 medicinskih strokovnjakov iz ZDA in Kanade sestavilo dogovorjene kriterije za definicijo sindroma:

·         simptomi so ponovljivi s ponovitvijo (kemične) izpostavljenosti

·         stanje je kronično

·         težave povzročijo nizke koncentracije - nižje kot so že bile oz. so splošno tolerirane

·         simptomi se izboljšajo ali odpravijo, ko so povzročitelji odstranjeni

·         gre za odziv na več kemično nesorodnih snovi

·         simptomi vključujejo več organskih sistemov

Objavljeno v:

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: A 1999 Consensus, Archives of Environmental Health vol. 54, Nr. 3, 1999


Ponekod imajo zdravnike specializirane za okoljsko medicino, ki so še najbolje usposobljeni za diagnosticiranje in pomoč v primerih MCS. Pri pacientih z motnjami  v razstrupljanju je treba preveriti okoljsko in medicinsko zgodovino, pomagati si je treba s fizičnimi znaki in laboratorijskimi preiskavami. Preveriti je treba ledvično in jetrno funkcijo ter izključiti morebitne druge bolezni.


Več analiz je navedenih v knjigi:
Nicolle, Lorraine; Beirn, Ann Woodriff:  Biochemical Imbalances in Disease: A Practitioner's Handbook; Singing Dragon, 2010; v e-obliki na voljo tudi v bazi EBSCO, dostop omogočajo naše splošne knjižnice

Testiranje detoksifikacijske kapacitete (str. 72)


Funkcijski testi

Genetski testi: polimorfizmi v genetskem zapisu za

cistein v plazmi

B vitamini

aktivnost citokroma P450

sulfat v plazmi

metilmalonska kislina v urinu


glutation v plazmi

piroglutamska kislina v urinu


glutation v eritrocitih

amino kisline v 24-urnem urinu

konjugacija glutationa

metionin v plazmi

urinski test obremenitve s kofeinom

aktivnost superoksid dismutaze

taurin v plazmi

urinski test obremenitve s salicilatom

minerali v plazmi in eritrocitih

urinski test obremenitve s paracetamolom

antioksidanti v plazmi


Testiranje toksične obremenitve (str. 73)

organske kisline v urinu: D-glukarska kislina, merkapturna kislina, orotat, benzoat

amino kisline v 24-urnem urinu: metabolizem amoniaka

toksične kovine v blatu, urinu (osnovni in obremenitveni test), laseh, znoju

ostanki DNK v krvi, ki so bili vezani na ksenobiotike v celicah

biopsija maščobe

kovine, pesticidi, topila, aktivnost holinesteraze v krvi


Obremenitveni testi kažejo na probleme v različnih fazah razstrupljanja, kofein v stopnji I, paracetamol kaže na aktivnost glutationa, konjugacijo glukuronida in sulfata, salicilat pa na konjugacijo glicina in glukuronida. Nizko razmerje med stopnjo I in II oz. počasna  stopnja I oksidacije s sistemi citokroma P450 povzroča večjo akumulacijo ksenobiotikov v tkivu, ker so toksični ali farmakološki učinki podaljšani. Višje razmerje med stopnjo I in II oz. počasne reakcije  stopnje II pomenijo večje kroženje toksičnih metabolitov, ki povzročajo oksidativno škodo in povečujejo tveganje za raka. V naslednjih tabelah je nekaj primerov zdravil in drugih vplivov, ki poslabšajo stopnjo I razstrupljanja.

Več o fazah razstrupljanja in snoveh, ki vplivajo nanje:

Lynch T1, Price A.: The effect of cytochrome P450 metabolism on drug response, interactions, and adverse effects. Am Fam Physician. 2007 Aug 1;76(3):391-6.

Drug Metabolism by Jennifer Le:


Inhibitorji encimov citokroma P450 (str. 74)



Kemikalije iz okolja

azolni antimikotiki

grenivkin sok

dušikov dioksid


pomanjkanje železa

toksične kovine

makrolidni antibiotiki (eritromicin)

kinolonski antibiotki (ciprofloksacin)

antidepresivi s selektivno inhibicijo ponovnega privzema serotonina


Substrati encimov citokroma P450 (str. 74)




oralna kontracepcija









poliaromatski ogljikovodiki (pečeno meso, cigaretni dim, izpušni plini)


nesteroidni antirevmatiki

beta blokatorji

poliaromatski ogljikovodiki


Genetski testi

Citokrom P450



Konjugacija glutationa

Oksidativna zaščita






CYP 2C19





katehol-O-metil transferaza COMT

N-acetil-transferaza NAT1

glutation-S-transferaza GST M1, GST P1

super oksid dismutaza SOD1, SOD2


P450 Drug Interaction Table: Abbreviated "Clinically Relevant" Table





V prvi vrsti prizadetim priporočajo čim večje zmanjšanje toksične obremenitve. Kar je v sodobnem svetu zelo težko doseči. Zelo pomembno je imeti varen prostor, ki je na voljo vsaj za spanje (

Dr. Grace Ziem: Environmental Control Plan for Chemically Injured Persons and Preventing Chemical Injury

Prizadeti si pomagajo tudi z različnimi maskami in filtri za zrak.  


S prehranskimi dodatki se da vplivati na procese razstrupljanja in popraviti določene pomanjkljivosti. Najbolj znan je Pallov protokol. Prof. biokemije in medicinskih znanosti Martin Pall na svoji strani piše o zločestem ciklu dušikovega oksida in peroksinitrita, s katerim pojasnjuje tudi slabšanje stanja in večanje občutljivosti: Terapijo je treba prilagajati posameznikovim potrebam, seznam dodatkov, ki jih prof. Pall priporoča, je na strani:


Z okoljsko problematiko se ukvarja tudi dr. Grace Ziem, ki razlaga še o drugih možnostih za razstrupljanje in zmanjšanje obremenitve:


Omeniti velja tudi angleško zdravnico, ki je uspešna pri zdravljenju SKU in se je izobraževala na področju okoljske medicine, dr. Sarah Myhill na svoji strani piše tudi o MCS:



Varen dom


Prihaja do nove oblike brezdomstva. Ljudje imajo lastna stanovanja ali hiše, a v njih ne morejo živeti. Nekateri se zatečejo v avto (primerno star seveda) in se selijo za boljšim zrakom. Nekateri živijo v improviziranih bivališčih (šotorih, kolibah), postavljenih v manj onesnaženem okolju. Pojavljajo se organizacije, ki pomagajo iskati primerna bivališča za občutljive, kot je npr. ameriška Re/shelter Gradijo pa se tudi posebna bivališča za kemično občutljive. V Skandinaviji imajo npr. ločene vasi, v Švici so zgradili  poseben blok ( Tudi v ZDA obstajajo podobni projekti: Ecology house


Verein MCS-Haus für schadstofffreies Wohnen in My chemical free house blog objavljata nekaj podatkov o primernejših materialih in načinih gradnje:


Planung und Ausführung eines MCS-verträglichen Wohnhauses

Dipl.-Ing. Volkmar Hintze, öko-logo Schadstoffanalytik + Baubiologie o gradnji svoje hiše

The EI Wellspring: Environmentally healthy housing


Priznanje MCS


MCS so kot uradno diagnozo priznale le nekatere države: ZDA (različno posamezne države), Nemčija (1998), Avstrija (2001), Italija (2001, različno posamezne pokrajine), Kanada (2007), Luksemburg (2007), Japonska (2009), Švica (2010), Danska (2012), Finska (2014), Avstralija, Španija (2014). Mednarodna klasifikacija bolezni (International Classification of Diseases), ki jo izdaja World Health Organisation (WHO), v verziji ICD-10 nima posebej navedene MCS, zato večinoma uporabljajo kar T78.4 - Allergy, unspecified (neopredeljene alergije):


Nekateri pomembnejši dokumenti:


Written declaration, under Rule 136 of Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, on multiple chemical sensitivity

The Commission and the Council are called upon to:

a. invite Member States to present a joint proposal in the World Health Organisation with a view to including MCS in the International Classification of Diseases, on the occasion of the revision process of the ICD scheduled for 2017;

b. promote research, awareness-raising and exchange of information on MCS at EU level.



Australian National Register of Environmental Sensitivities

Dr Sharyn Martin: A snapshot of living with Environmental Sensitivities in 2019 : 2019 ANRES Data Update

Access to Buildings and Services: Guidelines and Information

24 May, 2019 By Michellina van Loder

MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY : A NOVEL DISEASE MECHANISM, Peter Evans, July 2011, Public Submission To The National Casemix And Classification Centre For Inclusion Of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Under A Novel Classification Of Diseases, Title Chapter: Environmental Diseases In The International Classification Of Diseases Version 10 Australian Modification (ICD-10-AM)

A scientific review of MCS: Identifying key research needs

Social Development Committee (2005) Inquiry into Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Parliament of South Australia.


Pismo Bundesministerium für Gesundheit:



Uporabljajo kodo DR688A1 Symptomer relateret til dufte og kemiske stoffer:

Elberling J. et al.: [A new classification code is available in the Danish health-care classification system for patients with symptoms related to chemicals and scents]. Ugeskr Laeger. 2014 May 26;176(11)

Measures Taken by European Countries for Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Danski parlament, 2010

Silberschmidt M (2005): Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, MCS. Environmental Protection Agency, Danish Ministry of the Environment.



Consenso Italiano sulla Sensibilità Chimica Multipla (MCS Italian Consensus)
Linee-guida per la tutela e la promozione della salute negli ambienti confinati
Riconoscimenti della MCS in Italia e in Europa



Uporabljajo ICD10 T65.9 Toxic effect of other and unspecified substances/Toxic effect of unspecified substance:



Canadian Human Rights Commission Policy on Environmental Sensitivities, 2007, reviewed 2014

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety



Pismo Ministère de la Santé:



Pismo DIMDI s klasifikacijami:

Navodilo zdravnikom:

Klasifikacija bolezni: T78.4

MCS [Multiple-Chemical-Sensitivity]-Syndrom

DGMCS - MCS-Fallkriterien - Diagnose - ICD 10 2011 GM alpha - Feststellung einer Behinderung i.S. des SGB IX ab 1.3.2010


Španija Sensible, sensibilidad - véase además

»En España actualmente la Sensibilidad Química está clasificada en el CIE-9 con la denominación 995.3 “Alergia no específica”.«

Documento de Consenso, Sensibilidad Química, 2011:

María José Moya Villén: Sensibilidad química múltiple: datos sobre su clasificación en diferentes sistemas sanitarios y documentación útil sobre la enfermedad

Predlog zakona:

(v iskalnik vpisati sensibilidad química v polje Texto libre)

Poročilo v angleščini:




US Department of Housing and Urban Development  - MCS Disorder and Environmental Illness as Handicaps (1992)

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Policy and Resources (US Government policy memorandum, November 2004)

Job Accommodation Network - US Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy

American Academy of Environmental Medicine



Sprejete prepovedi uporabe dišav (fragrance-free policy, scent-free policy)


Doseči priznanje, da dišave vsebujejo zdravju škodljive snovi, je težje, kot je bilo v primeru cigaretnega dima. Veliko denarja je v igri, veliko ljudi se boji izgube dobičkonosnega posla. Pa vendar se stvari počasi spreminjajo. Ponekod so že uvedene dobre prakse za ohranjanje zdravja zaposlenih, strank, otrok …



Guideline Policy Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Guidelines for South Australian Hospitals

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) - Guidelines for South Australian hospitals:

Canberra Hospital and Health Services Standard Operating Procedure, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) - Care of patients:

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, A guide for Victorian hospitals:$FILE/MCS_Vic_%20Guide%20Hsp_FINAL-v03%20.pdf

Disability Access Checklist Guide for Government Owned & Leased premises:

Anne Steinemann: Health and societal effects from exposure to fragranced consumer products

"Fragrance-free indoor environments received widespread support. Of the general population, 42.8% would be supportive of a fragrance- free policy in the workplace (compared with 22.2% that would not), 43.2% would prefer that health care facilities and health care professionals be fragrance-free (compared with 25.2% that would not). Also, 57.7% would prefer flying on an airplane without scented air pumped through the passenger cabin (compared with 16.3% with scented air), and 55.6% would prefer staying in a hotel without fragranced air (com- pared with 22.7% with fragranced air)."



Vancouver International Airport recently joined the effort by establishing a safe-zone for passengers

The University of Windsor - Leddy Library:

PSAC Awareness Kit on Scent-Free Environments (Public Service Alliance of Canada (PSAC) is one of Canada's largest national labour unions)

Environmental Sensitivities-Multiple Chemical Sensitivities Status Report: Advances in Knowledge, and Current Service Gaps

Environmental Health Clinic, Women’s College Hospital, Toronto

Lynn Marshall et. al., 2010



Obvestilo bolnišnice o posebnem prostoru: ,,Umweltzimmer'' für MCS - und Umweltpatienten/Multiallergiker

Hamburg hospital offers rooms for patients with MCS and environmental illness:



Duftstoffe verboten in Krankenhäusern und Arztpraxen in Schweden



Center for Disease Control

"It is important that personnel be aware that the use of some personal care products may have detrimental effects on the health of chemically sensitive co-workers.

Personal care products (colognes, perfumes, essential oils and scented skin and hair products) should not be brought into, used, or otherwise applied at or near actual workstations, in restrooms, or anywhere in CDC facilities." 

Americans with Disabilities Act

»Likewise, if even a small portion of your attendees have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS) or environmental illness, consider clauses mandating the hotel avoid renovations prior to and during your event, use unscented cleaners, and avoid the use of pesticides. The hotel should be asked to comply with the fragrance-free meeting policy for the meeting space, common areas, restrooms, paths of travel, and guest rooms. »

Springfield (MA) City Library:

Creston Valley (BC) Public Library:

Bastyr University (WA):
Champlain College Library Circulation Department (New Hampshire):

Maryland Nurses Association priporočila:

36th District Court Responds to Fragrance Policy (Michigan):



Environmental Illness Network Minnesota sestavlja skupen seznam, 75 primerov:



Sodni postopki


Johnson vs. City of Edmonds

City settles lawsuit with former police clerk who requested a fragrance-free workplace, Posted: January 28, 2020

»The City of Edmonds has settled a lawsuit with a former police clerk who said her migraine headaches were due to fragrances she was exposed to on the job.

Anne Johnson and her attorney Judith Longquist received a $510,000 settlement in a Jan. 23 Snohomish County Superior Court judgment. Longquist said the judgment followed a four-year case “arising out of the city’s refusal to accommodate Ms. Johnson’s disability."«


Core vs. Champaign Cty. Board of County Commissioners, (S.D. Ohio No. 3:11-CV-00166)

Employer Refusal to Provide a “Fragrance-Free” Workplace May Violate ADA, By Mike Underwood on August 6, 2012

Erin Weber vs. Infinity Broadcasting

Perfume Allergy Sparks $10 Million Verdict

»A top-ranked Detroit radio personality recently won a $10.5 million verdict after she argued that her employer failed to accommodate her perfume sensitivity and retaliated against her for filing a complaint charging that she wasn't being paid the same as men at the station.

Erin Weber, who helped boost her country radio station's ratings as a disc jockey, claimed her career collapsed after she developed a potentially life-threatening chemical sensitivity. She said the company helped create the medical disability when it forced her to broadcast for five hours from a booth filled with toxic fumes from spilled nail polish remover. The station then failed to accommodate the disability and actually exacerbated it by failing to control co-workers' use of perfumes, she contended.«


McBride v. the City of Detroit

»In McBride v. City of Detroit, senior city planner Susan McBride was awarded $100,000. In addition, the City of Detroit (the employer) agreed to revise its ADA handbook and training, and to post notices about the fragrance-free policy

»After the lawsuit with Susan McBride, the City of Detroit added the following section to its ADA Handbook:

“Our goal is to be sensitive to employees with perfume and chemical sensitivities. Employees who are sensitive to perfumes and chemicals may suffer potentially serious health consequences. In order to accommodate employees who are medically sensitive to the chemicals in scented products, the City of Detroit requests that you refrain from wearing scented products, including but not limited to colognes, after-shave lotions, perfumes, deodorants, body/face lotions, hair sprays or similar products. The city of Detroit also asks you to refrain the use of scented candles, perfume samples from magazines, spray or solid air fresheners, room deodorizers, plug-in wall air fresheners, cleaning compounds or similar products. Our employees with medical chemical sensitivities thank you for your cooperation." »


Barrie vs. Caltrans

»State worker’s bosses ignored his allergies. Now he’s $3 million richer

A Nevada County jury sided with John Barrie in a one-month trial that ended last week, upholding his claims that he experienced retaliation, that his employer failed to accommodate his disability and that he was subjected to a hostile work environment. He continues to work for Caltrans in a position that allows him to work from home.

His complaint stemmed from a series of events between 2010 and 2012 when supervisors repeatedly ignored directives to keep perfumes and chemicals like Windex and Comet away from Barrie, according to the lawsuit he filed in September 2013. As he filed internal complaints to Caltrans managers, his direct supervisors tried to punish him by moving him to different parts of his building for unclear reasons and attempting to make his workplace unappealing to him, the lawsuit says.«
»Caltrans must abide by a jury’s decision to award $3 million to an employee who claimed his supervisors harassed him by ignoring his allergies to perfume and several cleaning products, an appeals court ruled Thursday.

The ruling appears to leave Caltrans little room to keep fighting the award, which a Nevada County jury set in May 2017 after a one-month trial.«

"Missouri taxpayers have paid out at least $76,000 to a former social worker who said her supervisors ignored her allergic reactions to perfume, air fresheners and cleaning products.


"By 2009, she regularly experienced burning in her eyes, nose, lips, throat and mouth, coughing, hoarseness, nausea and, eventually, a feeling that her tongue was swelling and her throat ‘closing,’ making her unable to breathe,” her attorney wrote.

Although department officials were aware of her problem, they did not take steps to help limit her exposure to the products, her 2017 lawsuit against the state notes.


"Eventually, after an episode in May 2009, she was unable to return to work and the state terminated her employment.

In fighting the case, attorneys for the state argued that Hill did not ask for a 100% fragrance-free workplace between 2006 and the time she left the $28,000-per-year job."


Zipkin vs. U.S.

tax deduction - construction costs due to MCS, 1995, US District Court

Dr. Ziem's "Environmental Control Plan for Chemically Injured Patients, p. 20

»There is legal precedent that a patient with work-related injury and chemical hypersensitivity from toxic exposure could be reimbursed through worker’s compensation for treatments.  This includes nutritional evaluation and treatment of nutritional deficiencies, sauna and other measures to assist the body’s detoxification process, and environmental control measures to reduce exposure (Hanlon Vs Arizona Chemical Corp. etal, State of Florida, claim #261-62-3325, decision 12-2-86). Another legal precedent confirms that a patient with chemical injury should be entitled to ongoing medical coverage, in this case for detoxification procedures, nutritional evaluation and care, and environmental controls, even if needed in an out-of-state facility, (Perry vs. NV Inc. etal, State of Hawaii case #49200727, decision date 2-14-92).«

Arizona Chemical Corp. v. Hanlon, 605 So. 2d 938 (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1992)

District Court of Appeal of Florida

Filed: September 25th, 1992

Precedential Status: Precedential

Citations: 605 So. 2d 938

Docket Number: 92-42

Judges: Per Curiam


French Court Recognized Electromagnetic-Sensitivity as an Occupational Disease

"On January 17th, 2019, the French Court of Cergy-Pontoise ruled for the first time that Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity (EHS) is an occupational disease that can be developed also from exposure to levels of radiation which are considered to be safe by the government (if they can be injurious as the court ruled then they are clearly unsafe)."


WORKPLACE LAW -Chemical Sensitivity in the Workplace – odgovor odvetniške firme na vprašanje o politiki brez dišav




MCS skupine in forumi na spletu



Allergy, Sensitivity & Environmental Health Association Qld Inc (ASEHA Qld Inc):



MIA - MCS Initiative Austria:



MCS Belgium:






EMPA Forum:

MCS Riconoscere la malattia anche in Italia:



DGMCS e.V. - Deutsche Gesellschaft Multiple-Chemical-Sensitivity:

CSN – Forum (Chemical Sensitivity Network):

SiVe - ULGS: (Schadstoff induziert Vergiftungserkrankte - UMWELT LEBEN GESUNDHEITBSCHUTZ:



Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, MCS, Slovenija:

Predlog vladi:


Servicio de información sobre sensibilidad química múltiple y salud ambiental:



MCS-Liga Schweiz:



Velika Britanija




MCS America:

MCS Referral & Resources, Professional outreach, patient support, and public advocacy devoted to the diagnosis, treatment, accommodation, and prevention of MULTIPLE CHEMICAL SENSITIVITY and MULTI-SENSORY SENSITIVITY



MCS International:

Persons with MCS Map Project:



Zanimive strani posameznikov



Primeri izdelkov, ki jih lahko uporabljajo tudi bolj občutljivi


Zelo težko je najti kaj primernega, še posebej ker se tudi neodišavljeni proizvodi skladiščijo in prodajajo v istih prostorih kot odišavljeni. Tako pride celo do kontaminacije izdelkov, ki bi sicer lahko bili ustrezni. Še večji problem so zaradi tega prehranski artikli, t.i. trgovine z zdravo prehrano poleg bio hrane prodajajo še detergente, dišeče svečke … Zelo občutljivi izdelkov široke potrošnje ne morejo več uporabljati. Pomagajo si z domačo izdelavo, zelo veliko uporabljajo sodo bikarbono, kis, eno milo kot univerzalno sredstvo za umivanje, pranje, čiščenje.


Domači deodorant


10 g koruznega škroba

50 g sode bikarbone

17 g staljenega kokosovega olja

5 kapljic eteričnega olja čajevca

Obstaja več variant recepta, običajno uporabijo po 30 mL škroba in sode, uporabijo tudi kakšno drugo eterično olje. V vseh eteričnih oljih so tudi škodljive spojine. V primerih močnejšega potenja se delež sode bikarbone lahko poveča. Na rdečih oblačilih lahko pušča temne madeže, ki pa se lepo sperejo.

Nekateri namesto deodoranta uporabijo tudi samo sodo bikarbono, najlažje se jo nanese na še malce vlažno kožo po umivanju.

Malo dražja varianta, ki pa ne pušča madežev:

3 čajne žličke karitejevega masla

2 čajni žlički sode bikarbone

1 čajna žlička cinkovega oksida


Detergenti za perilo

Detergenti na osnovi pralnih oreščkov

Faks Eco

Denk mit Vollwaschmittel Ultra Sensitive

Sonett Neutral tekoči detergent

Sonett Neutral za pranje volne

Po potrebi lahko dodamo žlico sode. Sode se pri občutljivem perilu ne sme dodajati.

Pri večji občutljivosti je možna intoleranca tudi na nežnejše detergente. Nekateri perejo samo s sodo bikarbono.

Pri prehodu na neodišavljene detergente se je zelo težko znebiti dišav od prejšnjih pranj. Običajno je treba vsaj 5 pranj. Pomaga, če se perilo suši na vetru. Bolje gre pri višji temperaturi – na poletni vročini ali na radiatorju. Oblačila, ki se prepojijo z dišavami drugih (v prostorih z nadišavljenimi ljudmi), je najbolje pred pranjem nekaj dni zračiti. Sicer dišave zaperemo v globino tkanine in se jih je težje znebiti, prenesejo se tudi na drugo perilo.

Dišave se vežejo na maščobe, zato poročajo o uspehu pri namakanju perila v mleku. Žal se na ta način lahko marsikatera tkanina uniči.

Težave so tudi z novimi oblačili, nekateri jih morajo pred nošenjem oprati vsaj desetkrat. Namakanje v raztopini sode bikarbone pospeši izločanje barvil. Temnejša oblačila so običajno bolj toksična. Kis fiksira barvila.

Tkanine, ki jih ni treba likati, so obdelane s formaldehidom.


Mehčalec za perilo

1 dL nearomatiziranega kisa ga lahko nadomesti.


Detergent za ročno pomivanje posode

Sonett Neutral

Ecover zero

Lahko se uporabljata kot univerzalno čistilno sredstvo.



A-Derma dermatološki sindet




Desert Essence



Čiščenje zob

Lavera neutral gel


Nega kože

Odlično se obnese karitejevo maslo, lahko se uporabi tudi kokosovo olje.


Nega ustnic

Karitejevo maslo in kokosovo olje sta primerna tudi za nego ustnic.

Hyalogic Episilk Lip Balm





WHO končno priznava, da kemikalije, ki jih najdemo v vsakem domu, lahko povzročijo raka na prsih, astmo, neplodnost, razvojne nepravilnosti:

Poisoned by every day life: Landmark study warns gender bending chemicals in your home, food and car ARE linked to a huge range of diseases

Poziv znanstvenikov OZN in WHO za zaščito pred elektromagnetnimi polji:

Scientists call for Protection from Non-ionizing Electromagnetic Field Exposure


Knjiga Dark Side of Fragrances / Glen O. Brechbill, 1st ed., 2007's.pdf


Toksične snovi v dišavah: Scent of Danger: Are There Toxic Ingredients in Perfumes and Colognes?


Dišave povzročajo odvisnost: The Addictive Power of Toxic Perfumes and Colognes


Opažajo spremembe v zmogljivostih otrok:
Britanski ginekologi so izdali odlične smernice za bodoče mamice:


Kdaj je dišave preveč – vsekakor takrat, ko se jo čuti dlje kot za dolžino roke: Are You Wearing Too Much Perfume? Eau no, you don’t! Pro advice on how to deal with some stinky scent situations, By Abbie Kozolchyk


Tudi z naravnimi spojinami si lahko pripravimo dišave: knjiga Slobodanke Poštić V čarobnem svetu vonjev : aromaterapevtski koledar : eterična olja iz meseca v mesec:


O prenašanju občutljivosti na kemikalije skozi rodove: The Toxins That Affected Your Great-Grandparents Could Be In Your Genes. Biologist Michael Skinner has enraged the chemical community and shocked his peers with his breakthrough research by By Jeneen Interlandi for Smithsonian magazine, December 2013


Knjiga Psychisch gestört oder arbeitsbedingt krank? Mehrfache Chemikalien-unverträglichkeit (MCS), Lösemittel-Syndrom und Bk 1317 / Werner Maschewsky unter Mitarbeit von Nicola Opp, Hans Böckler Stiftung, 2000


L'MCS descritto dal Prof.Genovesi Giuseppe, specialista in Endocrinologia, Immunologia e Psichiatria presso il Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia dell’Azienda Policlinico Umberto I Università degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza


Scented laundry products emit hazardous chemicals through dryer vents

»Analysis of the captured gases found more than 25 volatile organic compounds, including seven hazardous air pollutants, coming out of the vents. Of those, two chemicals -- acetaldehyde and benzene -- are classified by the Environmental Protection Agency as carcinogens, for which the agency has established no safe exposure level.

Steinemann recommends using laundry products without any fragrance or scent.«

Household chemicals may impair thyroid in young girls

»Exposure to phthalates is linked to depressed function in the 'master controller' of brain development, potentially explaining known phthalate-related cognitive problems«


Effectiveness of Commercial and Homemade Washing Agents in Removing Pesticide Residues on and in Apples

»They monitored the pesticide levels on the surface and inside of the fruit after washing with each method. The baking soda and water solution beat out both bleach and tap water after two minutes of cleaning, and again after eight minutes. After 12 to 15 minutes of washing, the formula had removed virtually all external pesticides, as well as some that had begun to seep below the fruit’s surface. The very lengthy washing wiped out 80% of the thiabendazole and 96% of the phosmet.«

Effectiveness of Commercial and Homemade Washing Agents in Removing Pesticide Residues on and in Apples

Tianxi Yang, Jeffery Doherty, Bin Zhao, Amanda J. Kinchla, John M. Clark, and Lili He

Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2017 65 (44), 9744-9752

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jafc.7b03118

SPECT scan izvid pacientke:

Strupene snovi v dimu:


Uredbe  v zvezi z dimom po svetu:

Utah - “No-burn" season is from November to the end of February

Napotki za izbiro zobozdravnikov in zobozdravstvenih materialov:


Strokovni članki in raziskave


Abdel-Rahman A, Abou-Donia S, El-Masry E, Shetty A, Abou-Donia M. Stress and combined exposure to low doses of pyridostigmine bromide, DEET, and permethrin produce neurochemical and neuropathological alterations in cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2004 Jan 23;67(2):163-92


Abdel-Rahman A, Dechkovskaia AM, Goldstein LB, Bullman SH, Khan W, El-Masry EM, Abou-Donia MB. Neurological deficits induced by malathion, DEET, and permethrin, alone or in combination in adult rats. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2004 Feb 27;67(4):331-56. Review.


Abou-Donia MB, Dechkovskaia AM, Goldstein LB, Abdel-Rahman A, Bullman SL, Khan WA. Co-exposure to pyridostigmine bromide, DEET, and/or permethrin causes sensorimotor deficit and alterations in brain acetylcholinesterase activity. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2004 Feb;77(2):253-62.


Abou-Donia MB. Organophosphorus ester-induced chronic neurotoxicity. Arch Environ Health. 2003 Aug;58(8):484-97. Review


Abou-Donia MB, Dechkovskaia AM, Goldstein LB, Shah DU, Bullman SL, Khan WA. Uranyl acetate-induced sensorimotor deficit and increased nitric oxide generation in the central nervous system in rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2002 Jul;72(4):881-90


Abu-Qare AW, Abou-Donia MB. Combined exposure to sarin and pyridostigmine bromide increased levels of rat urinary 3-nitrotyrosine and 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine, biomarkers of oxidative stress. Toxicol Lett. 2001 Aug 6;123(1):51-8


Abu-Qare AW, Abou-Donia MB. Biomarkers of apoptosis: release of cytochrome c,  activation of caspase-3, induction of 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine, increased 3-nitrotyrosine, and alteration of p53 gene. J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev. 2001 Jul-Sep;4(3):313-32. Review.


Abu-Qare AW, Abou-Donia MB. In vitro metabolism and interactions of pyridostigmine bromide, N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide, and permethrin in human plasma and liver microsomal enzymes. Xenobiotica. 2008 Mar;38(3):294-313. doi: 10.1080/00498250701813230


Alobid I, Nogué S, Izquierdo-Dominguez A, Centellas S, Bernal-Sprekelsen M, Mullol J. Multiple chemical sensitivity worsens quality of life and cognitive and sensorial features of sense of smell. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2014 Dec;271(12):3203-8. doi: 10.1007/s00405-014-3015-5. Epub 2014 Apr 1


Anderson RC, Anderson JH. Sensory irritation and multiple chemical sensitivity. Toxicol Ind Health. 1999 Apr-Jun;15(3-4):339-45.


Anderson RC, Anderson JH. Acute toxicity of marking pen emissions. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2003 May 9;66(9):829-45.


Anderson RC, Anderson JH. Respiratory toxicity of fabric softener emissions. J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2000 May 26;60(2):121-36.


Anderson RC, Anderson JH. Acute respiratory effects of diaper emissions. Arch Environ Health. 1999 Sep-Oct;54(5):353-8.

Anderson RC, Anderson JH. Acute toxic effects of fragrance products. Arch Environ Health. 1998 Mar-Apr;53(2):138-46.


Anderson RC, Anderson JH. Toxic effects of air freshener emissions. Arch Environ Health. 1997 Nov-Dec;52(6):433-41.


Baldwin CM, Bell IR. Increased cardiopulmonary disease risk in a community-based sample with chemical odor intolerance: implications for women's health and health-care utilization. Arch Environ Health. 1998 Sep-Oct;53(5):347-53.


Bascom R, Meggs WJ, Frampton M, Hudnell K, Killburn K, Kobal G, Medinsky M, Rea W. Neurogenic inflammation: with additional discussion of central and

perceptual integration of nonneurogenic inflammation. Environ Health Perspect. 1997 Mar;105 Suppl 2:531-7. Review.


Belpomme D, Campagnac C, Irigaray P.: Reliable disease biomarkers characterizing and identifying electrohypersensitivity and multiple chemical sensitivity as two etiopathogenic aspects of a unique pathological disorder.

Rev Environ Health. 2015;30(4):251-71. doi: 10.1515/reveh-2015-0027.
Francija, full text

»Our data strongly suggest that EHS and MCS can be objectively characterized and  routinely diagnosed by commercially available simple tests. Both disorders appear to involve inflammation-related hyper-histaminemia, oxidative stress, autoimmune response, capsulothalamic hypoperfusion and BBB opening, and a deficit in melatonin metabolic availability; suggesting a risk of chronic neurodegenerative disease. Finally the common co-occurrence of EHS and MCS strongly suggests a common pathological mechanism.«


Belpomme Dominique, Irigaray Philippe. Electrohypersensitivity as a Newly Identified and Characterized Neurologic Pathological Disorder: How to Diagnose, Treat, and Prevent It. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 1915.


Berg ND, Linneberg A, Thyssen JP, Dirksen A, Elberling J. Non-allergic cutaneous reactions in airborne chemical sensitivity--a population based study. Int J Hyg Environ Health. 2011 Jun;214(3):239-45. doi:

10.1016/j.ijheh.2011.01.003. Epub 2011 Feb 16.


Bridges, B.  (2002), Fragrance: emerging health and environmental concerns. Flavour Fragr. J., 17: 361-371. doi:10.1002/ffj.1106


Brown-DeGagne AM, McGlone J. Multiple chemical sensitivity: a test of the olfactory-limbic model. J Occup Environ Med. 1999 May;41(5):366-77. Review.


Caccamo, Daniela et al., “Xenobiotic Sensor- and Metabolism-Related Gene Variants in Environmental Sensitivity-Related Illnesses: A Survey on the Italian Population,” Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity, vol. 2013, Article ID 831969, 9 pages, 2013.

full text, 156 diagnosed MCS, 94 suspected MCS

»We found significantly higher frequency of polymorphisms CYP2C9*2, CYP2C9*3, CYP2C19*2, CYP2D6*4 and CYP2D6*41 in patients compared with controls. This confirms that these genetic variants represent a genetic risk factor for SRI. Moreover, the compound heterozygosity for CYP2C9*2 and *3 variants was useful to discriminate between either MCS or FM/CFS versus SMCS, while the PM *41/*41 genotype discriminated between MCS and either SMCS or FM/CFS. The compound heterozygosity for CYP2C9 *1/*3 and CYP2D6 *1/*4 differentiated MCS and SMCS cases from FM/CFS ones. Interestingly, despite the distribution of the AHR Arg554Lys variant did not result significantly different between SRI cases and controls, it resulted useful for the discrimination between MCS and SMCS cases when considered within haplotypes in combination with CYP2C19 *1/*2 and CYP2D6 *1/*4. Results allowed us to propose the genotyping for these specific CYP variants, together with the AHR Arg554Lys variant, as reliable, cost-effective genetic parameters to be included in the still undefined biomarkers' panel for laboratory diagnosis of the main types of environmental-borne SRI.« 


Cannata, A.; De Luca, C.; Korkina, L.G.; Ferlazzo, N.; Ientile, R.; Currò, M.; Andolina, G.; Caccamo, D. The SNP rs2298383 Reduces ADORA2A Gene Transcription and Positively Associates with Cytokine Production by Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells in Patients with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 1858.


Caress SM, Steinemann AC, Waddick C. Symptomatology and etiology of multiple chemical sensitivities in the southeastern United States. Arch Environ Health. 2002 Sep-Oct;57(5):429-36


Chemical Sensitivity Foundation

Cui, Xiaoyi et al.: Evaluation of Genetic Polymorphisms in Patients with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. PLoS ONE 8(8): e73708.
Published: August 13, 2013

full text, Japonska, 324 Japanese male workers

»We observed that high chemical sensitive individuals diagnosed by using Japanese criteria as MCS patients were more significantly associated with SOD2 polymorphisms.«


Dantoft TM, Elberling J, Brix S, Szecsi PB, Vesterhauge S, Skovbjerg S. An elevated pro-inflammatory cytokine profile in multiple chemical sensitivity.

Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2014 Feb;40:140-50. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2013.11.012. Epub 2013 Nov 24. PubMed PMID: 24485486.


Davidoff AL, Keyl PM, Meggs W. Development of multiple chemical sensitivities in laborers after acute gasoline fume exposure in an underground tunneling operation. Arch Environ Health. 1998 May-Jun;53(3):183-9.


De Luca, Chiara et al.: Biological definition of multiple chemical sensitivity from redox state and cytokine profiling and not from polymorphisms of xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, Volume 248, Issue 3, 1 November 2010, Pages 285–292

ScienceDirect Italija
»Altered redox and cytokine patterns suggest inhibition of expression/activity of metabolizing and antioxidant enzymes in MCS. Metabolic parameters indicating accelerated lipid oxidation, increased nitric oxide production and glutathione depletion in combination with increased plasma inflammatory cytokines should be considered in biological definition and diagnosis of MCS.«


De Luca, Chiara et al., “Metabolic and Genetic Screening of Electromagnetic Hypersensitive Subjects as a Feasible Tool for Diagnostics and Intervention,” Mediators of Inflammation, vol. 2014, Article ID 924184, 14 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/924184


Donnay, A. H. (1999). On the Recognition of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity in Medical Literature and Government Policy. International Journal of Toxicology, 18(6), 383–392.




Facco, E., Pasquali, S., Zanette, G., Casiglia, E.: Hypnosis as sole anaesthesia for skin tumour removal in a patient with multiple chemical sensitivity, Anaesthesia, Volume 68, Issue 9, pages 961–965, September 2013


Farrow A, Taylor H, Northstone K, Golding J. Symptoms of mothers and infants related to total volatile organic compounds in household products. Arch Environ Health. 2003 Oct;58(10):633-41
"Infant diarrhea and earache were statistically significantly associated with air freshener use, and diarrhea and vomiting were significantly associated with aerosol use. Headache experienced by mothers 8 mo after birth was significantly associated with the use of air fresheners and aerosols; maternal depression was significantly associated with the use of air fresheners."


Franklin SL, Jayadev C, Poulsen R, Hulley P, Price A. An ink surgical marker pen is damaging to tendon cells. Bone Joint Res. 2012 Mar 1;1(3):36-40. doi: 10.1302/2046-3758.13.2000032. Print 2012 Mar.


García-Sierra, Rosa & Alvarez Moleiro, Maria. (2014). Evaluation of suffering in individuals with multiple chemical sensitivity. Clínica y Salud. 25. 95–103. 10.1016/j.clysa.2014.06.006.


Genuis SJ.: Chemical sensitivity: pathophysiology or pathopsychology?  Clin Ther. 2013 May;35(5):572-7. doi: 10.1016/j.clinthera.2013.04.003. Epub 2013 May 1.

full text, Kanada, review

»Often thought to be a manifestation of disordered psychology, many researchers and clinicians have rejected CS as a pathophysiologic condition. Some have welcomed the forthcoming American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Revision, diagnosis of somatic symptoms disorder8 as a fitting diagnostic category for attribution  of  this  clinical  presentation.  A  mounting body of evidence, however, suggests that the millions of individuals suffering from this apparently new CS disorder have common features and may have a common etiology.«


Genuis SJ. Sensitivity-related illness: the escalating pandemic of allergy, food intolerance and chemical sensitivity. Sci Total Environ. 2010 Nov 15;408(24):6047-61. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2010.08.047. Review


Geraghty, K., Jason, L., Sunnquist, M., Tuller, D., Blease, C., & Adeniji, C. (2019). The ‘cognitive behavioural model’ of chronic fatigue syndrome: Critique of a flawed model. Health Psychology Open.


Gibson PR, Elms AN, Ruding LA. Perceived treatment efficacy for conventional and alternative therapies reported by persons with multiple chemical sensitivity. Environ Health Perspect. 2003 Sep;111(12):1498-504.


Goss, Grace Lydia; Tarik Salem Ahmed Salim, John Huish, Gethin Ellis: Can you smell too good at work?, March 2020Br J Cardiol 2020;27:40doi:10.5837/bjc.2020.008


Grimaldi S, Pasquali E, Barbatano L, Lisi A, Santoro N, Serafino A, Pozzi D. Exposure to a 50 Hz electromagnetic field induces activation of the Epstein-Barr virus genome in latently infected human lymphoid cells. J Environ Pathol Toxicol Oncol. 1997;16(2-3):205-7. PMID: 9276003.


Guxens, Mònica et al.: Air Pollution Exposure During Fetal Life, Brain Morphology, and Cognitive Function in School-Age Children Biological Psychiatry , Volume 84 , Issue 4 , 295 - 303


Harding, Cheryl F. e tal.. Mold inhalation causes innate immune activation, neural, cognitive and emotional dysfunction, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 2019, ISSN 0889-1591.


Health Council of the Netherlands: Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. The Hague: Health Council of the Netherlands, 1999; publication no. 1999/01.


Heuser, Gunnar: The Role of the Brain and Mast Cells in MCS


Hillert L, et al: Odor Processing in Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Human Brain Mapping, 28(3):172‐183, March 2007


»Subjects with MCS process odors differently from controls, however, without signs of neuronal sensitization. One possible explanation for the observed pattern of activation in MCS is a top-down regulation of odor-response via cingulate cortex.«


Holst H, Arendt-Nielsen L, Mosbech H, Elberling J. Increased capsaicin-induced secondary hyperalgesia in patients with multiple chemical sensitivity. Clin J Pain. 2011 Feb;27(2):156-62.


Joffres MR, Williams T, Sabo B, Fox RA (2001) Environmental Sensitivities: Prevalence of Major Symptoms in a Referral Center: The Nova Scotia Environmental Sensitivities Research CenterStudy. Environmental Health Perspectives 109 (2): 161 - 165.


Joffres MR, Sampalli T and Fox RA (2005) Physiologic and symptomatic responses to low - level substances in individuals with and without chemical sensitivities: a randomized controlled blinded pilot booth study. Environmental Health Perspectives, 113, 1178 – 1183.

Katoh T et al.: [Application of Metabolomics to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Research]. [Article in Japanese]
Nihon Eiseigaku Zasshi. 2016;71(1):94-9. doi: 10.1265/jjh.71.94.

»We identified 183 substances whose levels were beyond the normal detection limit. The most prominent differences included significant increases in the levels of both hexanoic acid and pelargonic acid, and also a significant decrease in the level of acetylcarnitine in patients with MCS. In conclusion, using metabolomics analysis, we uncovered a hitherto unrecognized alteration in the levels of metabolites in MCS. These changes may have important biological implications and may have a

significant potential for use as biomarkers.«


Kaye H. KILBURN: Brain But Not Lung Functions Impaired after a Chlorine Incident. Industrial Health 2003, 41, 299–305


Kilburn KH. Effects of hydrogen sulfide on neurobehavioral function. South Med J. 2003 Jul;96(7):639-46


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Hyperosmia (heightened sense of smell)

Why mutant worms are extra sensitive to odor, November 11th, 2015 Posted by Charlotte Hsu-Buffalo

"PRMT stands for “protein arginine methyltransferase,” and PRMT enzymes  facilitate the chemical process of arginine methylation, the fastening  of a methyl group (made from one carbon and three hydrogen atoms) to  proteins inside cells."

"A side effect of losing PRMT-5 in C. elegans is a heightened  sense of smell: In the worms, dopamine signaling acts as a brake or  check on the sensory system’s response to odorants. So when you remove  PRMT-5 and diminish dopamine signaling, the brake comes off and the  mutant worms react more strongly to odor, Ferkey says."


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»More occupational physicians need to be “sensitive” to MCS, so that these workers are recognized promptly, the work is adapted as necessary, and preventive measures are promoted in the workplace.a diagnostic strategy,which may be useful to occupational physicians.«


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203 patients, full text, Kanada

»Comparing cases and controls, significant differences were found in genotype distributions for CYP2D6 (P = 0.02) and NAT2 (P = 0.03). Compared with the referent homozygous inactive (CYP2D6) or slow (NAT2) metabolizers, the odds for being CYP2D6 homozygous active (OR = 3.36, P = 0.01) and NAT2 rapid (OR = 4.14, P = 0.01) were significantly higher in cases than controls. The odds for being heterozygous for PON1-55 (OR = 2.05, P = 0.04) and PON1-192 (OR =1.57, P = 0.04) were also significantly higher in cases.«


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Nematollahi N, Kolev SD, Steinemann A 2018. Volatile Chemical Emissions from Essential Oils. Air Quality, Atmosphere, and Health 11(8):949-954.

"This study found 156 different VOCs emitted from the 37 products, with an average of 15 VOCs per product. Of these 156 VOCs, 42 VOCs are classified as toxic or hazardous under U.S.federal laws, and each product emitted at least one of these chemicals. Emissions of carcinogenic hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) fromgreen fragranced products were not significantly different from regular fragranced products."
"Results identified 595 VOCs emitted from the 24 essential oils, representing 188 different VOCs. The most common VOCs emitted were alpha-pinene, limonene, acetone, linalool, alpha-phellandrene, beta-myrcene, and camphene. Among the 589 VOCs identified, 124 VOCs, representing 33 different VOCs, are classified as potentially hazardous. All natural and regular essential oils emitted one or more potentially hazardous VOCs, such as acetaldehyde, acetone, and ethanol. Toluene was also found in 50% of essential oils. Moreover, for the prevalent VOCs classified as potentially hazardous, no significant difference was found between regular and natural essential oils."


Nematollahi, N., Doronila, A., Mornane, P.J. et al. Volatile chemical emissions from fragranced baby products. Air Qual Atmos Health 11, 785–790 (2018).


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Elsevier, Španija, 8 patients, controls – SPECT

»In comparison to controls, cases presented basal brain SPECT hypoperfusion in small cortical areas of the right parietal and both temporal and fronto-orbital lobes. After chemical challenge, cases showed hypoperfusion in the olfactory, right and left hippocampus, right parahippocampus, right amygdala, right thalamus, right and left Rolandic and right temporal cortex regions(p<or=0.01). By contrast, controls showed hyperperfusion in the cingulus, right parahippocampus, left thalamus and some cortex regions (p<or=0.01). The clustered deactivation pattern in cases was stronger than in controls (p=0.012) and the clustered activation pattern in controls was higher than in cases (p=0.012). In comparison to controls, cases presented poorer quality of life and neurocognitive function at baseline, and neurocognitive worsening after chemical exposure. Chemical exposure caused neurocognitive impairment, and SPECT brain dysfunction particularly in odor-processing areas, thereby suggesting a neurogenic origin of MCS.«


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Pinkas, Adi; Gonçalves, Cinara Ludvig; Aschner, Michael: Neurotoxicity of fragrance compounds: A review, Environmental Research, Volume 158, 2017, Pages 342-349, ISSN 0013-9351,

( )

Abstract: »Fragrance compounds are chemicals belonging to one of several families, which are used frequently and globally in cosmetics, household products, foods and beverages. A complete list of such compounds is rarely found on the ingredients-list of such products, as “fragrance mixtures” are defined as “trade secrets” and thus protected by law. While some information regarding the general toxicity of some of these compounds is available, their neurotoxicity is known to a lesser extent. Here, we discuss the prevalence and neurotoxicity of fragrance compounds belonging to the three most common groups: phthalates, synthetic musks and chemical sensitizers.«


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